Internal Family Systems i
intuitivno hranjenje

“Do I contradict myself?
Very well, then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)”
Song of Myself, 51
Walt Whitman
Colorful image representing Internal Family Systems and parts

© Noelle Schwarz

Ako se nalazite na mojoj web stranici, vjerojatno već znate nešto o unutarnjim obiteljskim sustavima (Internal Family Systems) i/ili intuitivnom hranjenju (Intuitive Eating)! Međutim, ako vam su ovi pojmovi nepoznati, ovdje možete pronaći kratke opise oba ta pristupa.

Što su to sustavi unutarnje obitelji (Internal Family Systems)?

Sustavi unutarnje obitelji su nepatologizirajući pristup, temeljen na empirijskim nalazima, koji se temelji na sistemskom pristupu ljudskoj psihi, teoriji mnoštva umova (multiplicity of the mind).

IFS pruža perspektivu drugačiju od one na koju smo navikli: temelji se na uvjerenju da smo svi sačinjeni od različitih dijelova. Neki od tih dijelova su prihvaćeni i poticani u svijetu (pametni dijelovi, uspješni dijelovi, snažni dijelovi itd.), ali drugi su često potiskivani i odbačeni, pa čak i izgnani (ljuti dijelovi, ljubomorni dijelovi, nesretni dijelovi itd.). Zanemarivanje tih dijelova oduzima priliku da shvatimo zašto su uopće preuzeli te uloge.

To je razlog zašto je IFS usmjeren na suosjećajno susretanje i povezivanje s dijelovima koji su u boli i patnji. Kroz znatiželju i otvorenost, dobivamo jasnoću o našem unutarnjem svijetu, što se često prenosi na funkcionalniji sustav.

An image showing a circle encapsulating all aspects of inner systems according to Internal Family Systems : the Self in the middle, and parts around it (Managers, Exiles, Firefighters)

To truly ‘know yourself’ through the lens of IFS, you embark on an insightful journey of self-discovery. If you decide to start this journey, you will learn to identify and understand these different parts, each serving a role in your life. Some parts may be protective and cautious, while others are more vulnerable, creative, or playful.

As you delve deeper into your inner world, you will become aware of your ‘Self’, the core, unburdened essence within you. It is the seat of wisdom, compassion, and leadership, and it holds a gentle, accepting presence. To ‘know yourself’ in IFS means connecting with this Self and accessing its profound resources.

You can find research studies and bibliography here

Ten principles of Intuitive Eating written out on a colorful background

What is Intuitive Eating?

Intuitive Eating (IE) is not a new fad diet, a weight loss method, or some other way to control your food intake and body weight.

Intuitive Eating is a method for establishing a healthy relationship with food and body. It is based on rejecting diet culture and listening to your body by honoring and respecting its needs.

According to the founders of Intuitive eating, Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch, “Intuitive Eating is a self-care eating framework, which integrates instinct, emotion, and rational thought”. IE is a weight-inclusive and evidence-based model, which means that there is a lot of research validating its effects and benefits.

You can find the research studies here

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